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Museums & Galleries

As proud custodians of historic decoration, Little Greene collaborates with museums and galleries across the UK to create inspiring spaces. Collaborations include IWN North, Whitworth Art Gallery and The Museum of the Home.

Rebecca Hossack Gallery, 2017

The Rebecca Hossack Gallery in London have refreshed their interior design scheme with a selection of Little Greene shades.

Little Greene Colour Consultant, Fay Markopoulou-Meyer selected bold, bright shades to complement the contemporary artwork on display, the gallery used Deep Space Blue, Urbane Grey, Orange Aurora, Inox and Cape Red.

To browse the shades, visit:

Maxine Peake and Exhibitions Officer, Alison Cooper. Image by: Kyte Photography

Experience Burnley - Strata: structures, transformation and solidarity, 2018

A new exhibition at Experience Burnley by artists Jacob Cartwright and Nick Jordan features our 'Obsidian Green,' a classic off-black colour.

In the 1970s, 'Obsidian Green' provided a dramatic backdrop to natural wood furnishings and khaki.

The exhibition , ‘Strata: structures, transformation and solidarity’, explores themes relating to the region’s social, cultural, industrial and natural histories. The main focus of the exhibition is a video installation, which combines landscape and architectural cinematography with voice-over interviews and archive film, forming an immersive picture of shared experience and collective memory.

Actress, Maxine Peake attended the gallery for the exhibitions launch event, held on the 3rd of February. The exhibition will run from Wed 31st January - Sat 3rd March.

Image: Frans Hals Museum

Frans Hals Museum, Holland 2017

The Frans Hals Museum in Holland have used Little Greene 'Dark Bronze Green' throughout their exhibition space.

Collaborating with Little Greene Stockist, De Mooiste Muren, 'Dark Bronze Green,' a dark verdant colour which was originally used to paint Victorian front doors and railings was selected to complement the artwork on display.